Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eat, Sleep and be merry..

Who knew those words actually had meaning behind them.. Well, I started taking my vitamins today.. (yeah for Deb) I'm not the best of eaters (meat and taters girl) Dr.'s recommended I start taking them because of radiation.. AND who knew .. a good nights sleep gives me more energy the next day.. Hu.. that's my best brainstorming or computer time.. moms know this.. it's the best time.. kids asleep, dad's asleep... all is quiet in the house.. even when I'm in bed my heads running.. that's why I have a dry erase board in my room to get up and write those great ideas down.. so... I'm giving it a shot.. it couldn't hurt. :-) Radiation going ok.. this may be TMI but I frequent the bathroom more often.. so guess what... I've decided to repaint it.. change the scenery up a bit.. been wanting to do it.. now I'm more than ready... Talk to you again soon. Deb


shellyb said...

Just wanted to say hello!!! I'd take a cat nap but i think they'd notice here at work unless i got under like George(Seinfeld)did!!!
If your feeling tired take a little
Siesta recharge your battery. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you guys. Love ya hope to see you soon:) Now that you can swim go float and relax!!!

Julie said...

Love the "painting the bathroom" idea!! Have fun w/ that...make it fun!! :)
You "sound" like yourself in that blog!!! That's great!! And I totally hear ya about late at night being "mom" time - why do you think I blog you's peaceful here!

Unknown said...

I hope you pick a fun color for the bathroom! You are at the top of my prayer list each and every day.
Elaine G

Anonymous said...

That Mascot scares me!
