Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy summer day

Hey all.. Had a busy day today.. radiation, checked my blood, weight (ha) after our visit to the dr. I took chey to see Kung Fu Panda.. cute movie.. didn't sleep well last night.. reason for being so tired today..making up for it today... I'm going to bed in just a few. Feeling ok, more frequent visits to the bathroom and occasional hot flash where I need a cool wash cloth. still ok. not use to being tired or considering a cat nap every once in a while.. I hope to spend tomorrow back home getting my things organizeed... I'll let you know how that goes. I'll check in with you tomorrow. Love and kisses..

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey Girl~Hope you are in bed getting some sleep right now! Take that nap anytime you need it! You and your body DESERVE it - you've been thru a lot lately and taking a nap will make you feel better later and give your body time to adjust to things! Thinking of you, Curt, and Chey! Tell them the Flores family said HELLO!!