Sunday, August 16, 2009

Working Woman

Hello my friends.. It's been a while.. I've been busy getting ready.. Ready for my NEW JOB.. that's right.. I'm going to work.. Monday is my first day at work as a P.E. Assistant Coach.. I'm SO EXCITED... this means a lot to me. This will be for kiddos 1st - 3rd grade. I love the kids. I love that I will be with other adults. Oh and make a little extra money.. that's nice. I'm excited that I have let go of worrying about the what ifs of getting a job and the cancer flair back up that it wouldn't be fair to where ever I worked.. It's another big step for me.. I don't think people realize it what it "really" means for me.. but I do.. the kids don't start for another week so this will be my get to know my job week.. Pray for me and wish me luck. Thanks to all of you who pray for me daily and give me strength... know that I'm thankful and I love you all and am blessed to have you. I'll keep you posted on my new adventure. Love Debbie


stephanie said...

Congrats on your new job! How exciting, I look forward to hearing about your new adventure when school starts back up. My kids don't start school up here until September 8th. They will be going to a new school this year because of the move. My son is a little nervous and my daughter is excited (she is going to kindergarden) this will be her first year. Anyway best of luck with everything. Enjoy the rest of your summer.


stephanie said...
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Julie said...

so, so happy 4 u!! I know it will be a fabulous "fit" for you! way to go; keep believing & achieving your dreams!!