Thursday, August 20, 2009

How's It Going

This week has certainly been an eye opener for me as to what all is expected of teachers before school starts. I have a new found respect for them. I thought they just showed up and got their rooms ready for next week.. No, they do that in their "spare" time.. afterhours.. they have been in back to back meetings all week. I've been in meetings as well but I'm considered a P.E. Aide. I'm so excited and appreciate getting to do this in my lifetime. You have no idea. Let's see next week at the end of the week if I'm still this excited... haha.. I know I will be. The "what if's" are talking to me a little. But I'm not letting it get to me. Theres been a lot of people ask me in detail what happened with the cancer, how's it going, etc. which has made me remember.... and think.. but that's ok.. I'm here and living and doing well.. Live for the day, the moment... just LIVE. May God bless you all and be with you for whatever you have going in your lives. Love Debbie


Anonymous said...

You just don't relize how bad you needed to get back out in the social life and be with OTHER people. It's healthy in it's own way. I love you!!!
You Hubby.

Julie said...

How r things going this week??