Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be Careful Whatcha wish for.. :-)

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on my last blog it means so much. SO.. let me fill you in on whats been going on in my world.. Saturday - Cheer sign ups.. I have not 10, not 20, not 25... but 30 girls on my team.. seriously.. I'm excited but I don't think until they are all in the same room at one time will it really hit me.. it should be very interesting.. Sunday night, well.. Monday morning about 1:30 my puppy barked to go out.. I saw what looked like our pasture to be on fire and it ended up being my mother in laws trailer.. she didn't live in it but some of her meaningful things.. pictures (lots of them), bear skin rug, were in there.. don't think I've actually witnessed a house of someone I know burning down.. you just sit there thinking what if... and in shock.. but all seems to be ok.. This week i'm heading up a little church event for the kiddos Wed. night.. just want the kids to start having fellowship.. i'm still needing that and wanting that for Chey with our church.. it just hasn't happened yet.. it's become even more of a priority for me. So that's whats been going on.. I'm really wanting to see the movie My Sister's Keeper.. I know I'm gonna bawl.. but that's how us women clean out our bodies sometimes.. I hope all is well with you and your family.. thank you for being here. Debbie


Julie said...

good luck w/ 30 kiddos....it'll be an experience; i know you will make it great fun! scary about your mother-in-laws trailer - glad she wasn't in there. we r headed for the guadalupe river today w/ the trailride bunch! remember when ya'll came?? great fun!

stephanie said...

Sounds like you have been busy as usual. I read the book My Sisters Keeper and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie as well. I have been busy in Michigan also. Last week my son went to camp with the curch it was supposed to be Mon - Friday. However, camp called Monday night at 11pm and said he hurt his foot (I guess the boys where playing around and he fell off the top bunk. He ended up breaking his foot so I had to pick him up Tuesday morning.
We are still waiting to move we should be closing any day now hopefully since we already have a renter for our current house. We were suppose to close last week but as usual something came up at the last minute to change those plans. They keep telling us we will close before the end of the month. So my fingers are crossed.
Anyway I'll keep you in my thoughts and again I'm really sorry to hear about Curt's uncle.
