Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Dream

For some reason I wake up today thinking heavily about coordinating a place for us locals with cancer to get together. Have a monthly meeting place where we can talk, support each other but also have fun and inspire each other to LIVE. I've talked about it before.. but really feel it in my heart today to actually act on it. It's like I've mentioned before, when I meet someone with cancer, it's like we become an immediate family.. So I guess I'll be looking into how to get something going today.. Some days I find myself thinking I'm normal again and I don't have cancer and kinda guilty when I say I do have cancer because I'm not as bad as some.. then I have to realize that just because I'm not going through treatments or suffering from it right now don't mean it's not still in me. Where am I going with this.. dunno.. just what I'm feeling and what's on my mind at the time. I'm doing good, feeling good and excited about summer with the girls. Have a great day.. Love Deb

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cassie's Monkeys N Mud Birthday Party

We had a BLAST this weekend with Cassie's party. I don't think Kerville has mud.. I actually had to dig it up, put it in a pool and mix it.. cuz by gosh.. Cassie wanted it.. and so did I.. haha. I thought I'd have trouble getting them to dig in.. we burried a little money under the mud as an incentive for them to dig.. don't think they even cared about the money.. had a banana eating contest.. who can load up in the 4 wheel drive jeep the fastest.. lots of fun. Long drive, but well worth it. We only get these times once.. ya know.. so this weekend Tori will graduate.. we will have the girls for the month of June.. they laugh because when they come here we are always on the run doing stuff.. and as teenagers your suppose to be able to sleep your summer away.. NOT at the Sallee house.. I'm kinda nesting getting ready for them.. groceries, beds, plenty of shampoo.. :-) today I've been at Cheyenne's field day.. also a lot of fun.. not to excited about the heat though.. So I just tho

ugh I'd catch you guys up since I've missed a few days... Living life.. that's what it's all about. Thanks for checking in..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Hey there.. bet you all are ready for the holiday weekend. We are on our way to celebrate Cassie's birthday. We are now in Austin and the traffic is unbelievable.. and the heat.. omg.. so not ready for summer.. Yes, Cassie is the big 16.. Happy Birthday.. May you all have a fun and safe weekend. Be safe! Love Debbie

Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy week

Happy Monday.. what beautiful weather... take it in... Early morning this morning... Curt is going through a little Colon proceedure.. (bless his heart.. i mean bottom) Had to start on the fluids yesterday... and he'll be out of it the rest of the day. This weekend our middle child, Cassie, will be turning the big 16 !! We will be heading to Kerville to celebrate. Looking forward to meeting her friends and helping with the party. Food, Games, Music.. hey maybe some Karaoke and what would a party be without Line Dancing.. haha.. oh yea, this is HER party.. but I think she's pretty excited.. and if that's not a big enough event.. the following weekend Tori, the oldest, will be graduating!!! Omg. Lot's going on in our little family right now.. the girls will be coming here for about a month in the summer.. i'm preparing the house for them as well.. I couldn't be more proud of them and blessed to be here for all of this.. have a great Monday. Debbie

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Go "Figure"

In todays episode.. Deb and Chey get established with a primary doctor.. not because they are sick.. yeah! one.. we are tired of going to the clinic and seeing different doctors.. and two.. we will be able to fill in that blank that says "Primary Physician" on all forms from school and other places.. haha.. So.. Chey.. doing great, feeling great.. check.. Momma doing good, feeling good, positive, upbeat.. on the go.. little discussion here and there.. told him bout hot flashes and mood swings but not bad enough that I want to take meds for it... bout my ongoing joke that I eat what I want, when I want to give the cancer plenty to eat on so it will be a while.. ha ha chuckle chuckle.. and he says.. (du du da da.. like music on a soap opera.. ya with me here.. ) that is an underlying sign of depression.. what?? I thought for a minute.. and holy smoke.. he may be a little right.. maybe a lot right.. dang he's good.. he to, is a cancer survivor.. which opened up for some good conversation.. i'm thinking i should have paid him for therapy as well... haha.. Not anything I can't deal with and depression does come in all forms.. I guess I thought of depression... as the "typical" symptoms.. so he's gonna coach me along and follow me.. no meds.. some good suggestions for me to try. I'm totally up for it. the day ends where the husband comes in kisses his wife.. gives her a big hug.. draws her bath water and says baby don't worry bout dinner.. i got it.. :-) tune in tomorrow.. Love ya. Debbie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm on a roll...

Hey do any of you need anything removed... I seem to be on a roll lately.. Chey's tonsils.. and now my puppy at the vet getting "fixed"... what's even more funny.. I feel just as bad taking Tobi this morning as I did when I took Chey.. but I got to be with Chey and I could explain to her what was happening.. you should have seen her face (Tobi's) when I removed her food and water bowl.. and this morning.. well, if she could talk.. isn't it crazy how close we get to our animals. I do believe they are great therapy too.. Did you guys see the "talking dogs" on youtube??? that was so sweet.. if you haven't take a minute to look it up.. it's sure to make you smile. Say a prayer for my lil Tobi.. I'll chat back at ya tomorrow.. By the way, thanks for the tips Julie and Deena.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day after Mother's Day

So it was a great weekend.. hope all of you had a great Mother's Day weekend. We were loved, appreciated and recognized.. Now it's Monday.. let's get back to work. :-) Chey has been recovering really well from her tonsils.. got a busy month ahead of us.. Cassie our middle child (from Curt's first marriage) will be turning the BIG 16.. yeah.. and Tori the oldest will be graduating.. I'm perplexed on what to get them... course money is always a good thing but I can never settle for just that.. I want there to be a little something cute or unexpected.. ya know.. so if any of you can cough up ideas.. I'd be very much appreciative.. I'm feeling good.. those occasional quirks in my body... won't sweat those till next month.. for now we'll just say they are gas pains.. :-) my hot flashes are getting worse.. more frequent and more sweat.. yuk.. still not enough to set me off to start taking the pills.. Curt says my fuses set off a little quicker.. on some days I'd say that too... I say.. if he'd just clean out his ears.. I'd be fine.. haha.. just kidding.. Love ya Curt.. all in all, I can't complain. So have a great day and I'll keep ya posted.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

Happy Friday.. Looking forward to an unplanned, unscheduled, no agenda mother's day weekend, we are on the go soooo much and the end of this month will be major hectic.. As a "normal" mother.. I would be expecting big things, but now, it's about appreciating my family and our special times together.. Since Chey has been home from her tonsil surgery... we've spent a lot of time coloring, playing games and stuff.. although at the time I think of all the things I could be doing and should be doing.. this has been an eye opener for me.. that no matter how messy the house, how much laundry needs to be done.. the times with her matter the most.. she's not going to remember how dirty the house was.. (well she might) haha.. but she will remember playing games, swinging and jumping on the trampoline.. I'm haven't successfully pulled away from all that I have to do .. but have had a little reminder hanging around that I can do both.. so that's what's on Deb's brain today.. may you all have a blessed Mother's Day and appreciate your health, family's health and the "little things". Love Debbie

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been a while

Hello.. hope everyone had a great weekend. Chey did get her tonsils out on Friday. All went well. I have taken your guys advice and have not let the pain med wear out. She has been doing very well and taking down some food. I fell like a momma bird almost chewing up the food she wants and feeding it to her.. haha.. it has been a beautiful feeling holding her while she sleeps in my lap. She will be home with me all week.. you can bet we will both have cabin fever.. :-) Just don't want to take her out in public right now with her immune system down. Call me the protective mother.. i don't care.. we are all guilty of it in some way or another. :-) Well I'm gonna check on my baby calf (curt calls her that) when she hollers maaaaaa maaaa.. he said she sounds like a baby calf.. and now that he said that it's stuck.. have a great day. I'll keep ya posted.