Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preparing for next week

I find myself totally nesting for next week. This Friday.. just 2 days from now my baby girl will be getting her tonsils out.. I'm nervous as all get out.. from recovering from the meds that put her under.. to her coming out of it ok.. and recovery time.. she's not good with pain. ugh.. Chey has been ok with it but last night she said she was getting a little nervous.. and I find myself trying to find things that will keep her comfortable during this time.. can you tell we haven't been in the hospital or had anything major done with my baby.. I ask myself if now is a good time.. and can answer both yes and no.. one thing for sure.. is that going through this will be hard.. but I want and need to be here for this.. and never knowing our future exactly makes this time seem ok. And the goal of no more strep sounds good. I'm stressing a little yes.. but I'll be ok. So thanks for listening. Say a prayer for Cheyenne .. and me. :-) Love Deb


Anonymous said...

We will be praying! I am sure everything will go great. These standard surgeries are a lot less invasive than they used to be. On another, sadder note, just wanted to let you konw Big Daddy from trail ride passed away yesterday.

Love You!!!

Julie said...

Things will be fine, God will watch over her & she'll be doing much better soon! Ya'll will all be relieved w/ less strep throat! I'll be thinking about you & the family!