Friday, February 27, 2009

Feelin the age

Happy Friday.. know you are all looking forward to the weekend.. as am I. So what wakes me early this morning.. really early... I have a few pains in the stomach / pelvic area and it starts to worrying me.. of course.. March is almost here and this will be my big Dr. appt. month.. so I lay there thinking of all it could be... and remember..... Chey and I played on the trampoline and in the yard yesterday.. doing jumps and some tumbling that maybe someone of my age shouldn't be trying.. but I did hold a handstand for 7 seconds.. (go deb) I start laughing at myself for being so paranoid and stupid.. hello.. gotta remember I'm no "spring" chicken.. haha.. so for now.. those little pains have an excuse.. I hope and pray... :-) and I'm gonna have a good weekend.. no traveling this weekend.. yea!! Be safe. Love Debbie

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring has sprung..

I'm ready for Spring.. it's so pretty and the weather is nice.. yet unpredicitable.. but still beautiful. My favorite tree in the front yard is starting to bloom.. ready to start spring cleaning and working in the yard.. yipee.. I've noticed my sneezing increasing slowly.. ugh.. spring break for the kiddos is just around the corner.. trying to come up with something fun and different to do that week.. so I just wanted to check in with you all today.. remind you that spring is here and because we all get in the hustle and bustle of things look around and see the beauty. God bless you all .. talk to ya tomorrow. Debbie

Part timer

Hey all.. having a good day I hope.. I'm a little discombobulated.. ;-) doing a little part time work for a friend in the insurance buisness. Working on a little extra dough.. i'm working on a little to-do list that will need a little money to go with it.. it's going pretty good.. keeping my mind busy.. especially with all the paperwork involved.. Oh my gosh.. killing trees daily.. lol. So my birthday was really nice.. movie and lunch with friends, took a walk throught the pasture with Chey.. (sweet) enjoyed a nice dinner with friends and numerous phone calls.. very nice. Thank you all for your sweet birthday blessings. AAAAND MANY MOOOOORE.. (in song haha) have a great Wednesday. Love Debbie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Birthday Blessings

Happy Tuesday to everyone! I'm celebrating my 41st Birthday today.. yes, I've been celebrating all month.. but today is the official day. yeahh.. you know last year when we were told about the cancer.. I prayed for more time.. I prayed for each little things that I love so much to get to do it again.. assembly leader for Vacation Bible School, Coach Cheerleading, Watch Cheyenne compete in her cheerleading, be healthy for Christmas... I seriously remember these little request.. and now here I am blessed with another birthday and in my opinion.. Very Healthy. I'm going to celebrate by going to see the new Medea movie with my sister and some friends.. tonight will be a nice dinner with Chey, Curt and me.. I may just drag this out through the weekend to get together with some local friends... :-) Thank all of you for your prayers for me to have a long and healthy life.. this is a very special 41st. Remember to be thankful for your dates and special moments too.. Love you all. Debbie

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Big weekend in Austin

We are back from our cheer competition in Austin. Chey's cheer and hip hop team won nationals. Very exciting for the girls!! Oh and Curt entered the "dad" competition which ended up being a dance off.. he did great.. got down to about the final 15.. outlasted most "white boys" there.. then there was a "mom" competition and I'm like hey, I got dancin skills I'll do it for the girls. NOT.. they get us down there and make us think its a dance off.. then they turn it into a "jump off" I can't believe I didn't break anything.. I hung in there until we had to do a TRIPLE TOE TOUCH.. now I got skills but this "whole lotta woman" couldn't pull off the triple toe.. but the girls enjoyed us taking one for the team.. didn't get to take in many sites but did have some relaxing down time.. Oh did I mention DARBY made an appearance at the event.. he was a big hit.. I was so proud. :-) I going to post a few pics from the weekend.. you'll enjoy. Just making those memories.. that's what life's about. Hope all of you had a great weekend.. I'll be back with ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still think about it..

I realized you can run but you can't hide from it all.. the past few mornings before getting up.. between snooze buttons I found myself laying there thinking about my next doctors appointment. For me, it's a little early to be getting in that worried state of mind yet.. that comes about a week before my Dr. appt. but I did call yesterday and let them know I wanted a CT scan before my appt. for my own sanity.. just the other day I was talking to Curt about how different a calendar looks to me. I held it up and looked at it as we were putting dates of plans down and thought to myself.. I may not have all this time.. now I'm not being morbid or depressed.. I promise.. just realizing, heck none of us really know what the year holds for us and if we all realized that each day might be a little more special to us all. I've realized that I kinda fell back on some of those things I wanted to have done for my family "just in case" because I have gotten comfortable with life again.. (not that its a bad thing) but I am going to get back on that.. and of course continue enjoying life, my daughter, my husband and all my wonderful friends and support group.. (you) Have a blessed day. Love Debbie

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bad Weather Days

So schools and work have bad weather days... how bout for stay at home moms.. :-) Today is one of those wet dreary days which makes it very hard to get motivated to do anything.. Don't know who the official would be that would call one of these days for us.. but I think I'm gonna pull a bad weather day today. I deserve it.. right.. sounds good anyway.. I'm not much of a lay around and do nothing.. but I did get a chick flick movie from Redbox and it's calling my name.. Fo you guys having to work.. I'll be thinking about ya.. travel safe and I'll check back in tomorrow. Love ya Deb.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthdays are better with age.. :-)

Hello everyone.. I'm still on a great high from a wonderful weekend with friends and family. It was so exciting to see all of you that could come on Friday night.. looking around the room at everyone there and having a good time, we felt so blessed and thankful for all the people in our lives. The energy in the room could have lit a football field.. and hugs.. I love hugs.. they feel so good and it's like your sharing and giving energy to one another.. (warm fuzzys maybe) I think the pictures I'm posting will also give you a great idea of how much fun we had.. as I went through the pictures.. I celebrated all over again.. we ruled the karaoke room.. just had a blast. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. for making wonderful memories with us.. I will stop now to keep from getting to mushy.. just know how much I love each and everyone of you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

On the road again

Hi everyone.. We're on the road to Houston this weekend.. I'm so excited to spend time with our friends in Houston and of course celebrate another birthday.. we haven't been out in quite a while.. finding what to wear.. omg.. I packed a many of clothes for one night.. lol. Hope you all have fun plans for the weekend or even if it's just hanging around alone or with someone.. know that someone LOVES you and CARES about you this Valentines Day. Be safe. Love Always Debbie.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Almost Valentine's Day

Hey there.. Pink, Red and white everywhere.. I'm subbing today a Kindergarten class.. oh my..
I just want to remind you to take time out for you.. now is the time you won't feel guilty because it's valentines to splurge a little, get a massage, pedi, mani, do something for yourself or for you and your spouse alone.. it's sooo worth it and there's no doubt you probably deserve it. Because we will be celebrating my birthday "month" this weekend.. i'm gonna have to postphone my massage but you can bet I'll be getting one.. they are awesome.. my problem is even thought it's relaxing.. I can't shut up.. I usually talk the whole time.. but oh well.. it's what I do. another reason I come here to talk when there's no one else to listen.. haha.. so i'm gonna finish class up today and enjoy the outside this afternoon.. have a great rest of the day. Deb

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dizzy Bat Race

You ever see the game where you stick your forehead to a bat on the ground.. run around in circles several times and take off running dizzy... kinda how I'm living right now.. but I don't regret it for a minute. This weekend we'll be in Houston visiting family and friends and celebrating my birthday.. (not till the 24th but this is my birthday month.. lol) Any of you reading this and living in or near Spring we will be at Big Texas around 8:30. :-) I'd love to see you again or meet you if we've never met. :-) wouldn't that be crazy. Well, I'm going to run for now. I gotta get some things done today.. going to be subbing tomorrow. Have a great day.. stay safe if the storms are hitting your area tonight. Love Debbie

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sit down and hold on.. should have been the words said when we took off for San Antonio this weekend.. :-@ Motor home and gusty winds should never be put in the same sentence.. We made it to San Antonio in good time.. driving against the wind most of the way. Our GPS showed to be at "destination" by 5:30. Giving us time to chill, cook on the grill, little hot tub before our busy weekend.. NOT... by 8:30 PM we "found" an RV Park not ours but one closer to the Alamodome so there's a perk. Competition was ok.. girls placed 5th. Not a lot of competitions under their belt before this one. Some understand it some don't.. Chey enjoys being being a part of the "big picture" so she was disappointed but ok. The wind on the ride home was a "cross wind" making our ride like a bad carnival ride for 6 freakin hours.. we stopped twice due to light head and queezy stomachs.. NOT KIDDING.. we wanted to lay on the ground when we hit home.. Now if your not laughing right now you should be. We are.. these are those things that during the time it's happening, we complain, we're stressed, say you'll never do it again... that make for the best stories we tell over and over in our lives.. that is why I'm smiling when I share with you today.. bet you can remember some of those stories too.. remember one to day and have a smile and happy Monday. Love Debbie

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Ready For the weekend... betcha are

We'll got the ol motor home loaded down.. good thing it has a kitchen sink. (haha) We will be hitting the road pretty soon. I have a small favor, I know how lucky I am to have my prayer warriors out there and ask that you add Curt's uncle Troy to the list. He's in the hospital and has been diagnosed with .. you guessed it.. cancer... lung cancer. Out of those of you who read I'm not certain how many of you have experienced the word cancer in your family.. sure seems to be a lot more frequent these days.. it definately changes you.. and use to.. for me, I would just think oh __ has cancer, now when I find out.. I get pretty emotional.. guessing it's because it has hit our family and I know what we've been going through.. or it could be just another reality check for me.. dunno.. as soon as I found out though I hit the blog so I could share my feelings with you guys.. this truly is my "out", "my thereapy". I need this so I can be strong, fun and happy for our big trip this weekend.. so again, with a lump in my throat, and holding back tears I thank you all for being here for me, in some way I can feel you hugging me, holding my hand and giving me strength. I love you. May God bless you all, Debbie

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On the road again..

Hey everyone.. We are packing and getting ready for a big weekend in San Antonio. Cheyenne will be competing in her cheer competition.. This is a biggie.. at the Alamodome!! whoa.. so I'm packing and double checking myself .. i'm thinking as long as I have the uniform packed we will be ok.. :-) This is really one of those proud momma moments... my baby girl performing, dancing and being all her.. she loves this part of her activities.. and I love seeing it in her.. can you tell I'm proud.. proud.. could almost cry proud.. so I will go for now.. wish us luck and say a little prayer for our travels. Love you guys..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where did january go?

Is anyone else wondering where January went..? Already February and that for me will be gone in a flash. We are getting ready for Chey's cheer competition this weekend in San Antonio. We are all very excited.. this is a biggie.. I'm making my list getting ready to pack.. there's nothing more scary than being worried your gonna forget her uniform or something.. kinda like those dreams I use to have about going to school or work in my pj's or lack there of.. remember those..? These are fun times.. and go by very quickly.. let's enjoy them while we can... by the way, a very small space in the back of my head is starting to remind me I will have a Dr. appt coming up in March.. ugh.. have a great Tuesday.. Blessings to you all. Debbie

Monday, February 2, 2009

Beautiful Day..

Wow, today is a beautiful day.. feeling pretty fortunate to be alive and well. :-) If you hate Mondays.. or having a little hang over from the Superbowl.. lol.. you are probably hating people who are loving life... just kidding. maybe my outlook for the day will make you have a better one. I woke up today telling my family to wish me happy birthday.. because this is my BIRTHDAY MONTH.. that's right.. i've decided to celebrate every day this month like my birthday.. they of course laughed at my sillyness but went along with it.. :-) so you guys have a great rest of your Monday and I'll check back in tomorrow. Love Debbie