Monday, November 24, 2008


Wow.. It feels like a Monday that most of you would be calling in sick for. I'm pretty tired from the weekend. Or should I say.. really tired. I want to rest, but don't want to rest. I know it is very important for me and my sanity to get plenty of rest.. sometimes I just can't let myself do it.. Scared I'm giving in.. crazy, I know.. we all have those days where we need to sleep for a day to build our energy back up.. I just can't do it.. but I may just be at a point where I have to do it. I'm looking forward to our long weekend.. we will be at home and can eat, sleep, eat, lounge, shop, christmas lights.. look at me.. already getting a list going. :-) hope you guys are getting off for Thanksgiving.. I'll check back in tomorrow. Love ya. Deb


Julie said...

Glad ya'll had a great weekend...take it easy this week, sounds like you need it; at least rest til Thanksgiving - eat plenty - and be refreshed for Friday!

stephanie said...

I'm looking forward to a long weekend myself. Tomorrow will be busy I'm working then I have to bake and prepare for Thanksgiving at the various houses. Shopping on Friday. Then relax on Saturday and Sunday. I can't wait to just lay around and relax. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Talk to you soon.


stephanie said...

I'm looking forward to a long weekend myself. Tomorrow will be busy I'm working then I have to bake and prepare for Thanksgiving at the various houses. Shopping on Friday. Then relax on Saturday and Sunday. I can't wait to just lay around and relax. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably! And never regret anything that made you smile!

Saw this is in an email and thought of you. It was great seeing ya'll this weekend - we are going to make it up your way very soon! Thanks for the dance, it was about time we did it instead of our spouses. You dip great! Luv ya bunches!