Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Monday

Good Morning.. hope you all had a great weekend.. the weather was beautiful. Halloween was a blast. For those adults who only dress your kiddos up for Halloween.. your missing out! Friday, friends met at our house to take the kids to a haunted hay ride. Curt told everyone to dress up.. (imagine that) Curt coming up with this brilliant idea.. so we pulled out our costume box from halloween past and all adults had to come up with something to wear.. David (ghost) went home and got his.. dressing up was so much fun.. brings out the little kid in you.. seriously.. we all rode together in the motor home (can you say redneck) went to CiCi's pizza then went to the hay ride.. Course the kids thought we were crazy but loved it that we got into character with them. Saturday, Van had Trick or Treat night so we took the kids to town for sweets. So todays lesson... don't lose the little kid in you... find it and enjoy life.. :-) enjoy the Halloween slideshow to the right. Have a great Monday. Deb


stephanie said...

The hayride sounds fun. My kids loved Halloween although I didn't dress up we still had fun. We live in town so we just went around the block trick or treating. My daughter was done early and my son went all over town with the neighbor boy. They had a blast. It was a really nice day up here also the weather was perfect.


Julie said...

Great costumes!! LOVE ya'll cruisin' in the motor home! That sounds like a trail ride trip!