Friday, November 7, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over... (this is a long read)

Check out our 1st place Cheerleaders!!
The girls did a "van-tastic" job last night. Turning on their smiles, expressions, cheering and dancing their hearts out. All giving 110%. I'm so proud of them !! But that's not all the story.. see below.
As I prepare my girls, going through motions, cheers, etc. I'm wrapped up in making sure they've went to the bathroom, getting water.. and so on.. kind of... but not really noticing that my other coaches weren't around.. finding out later that there was a whole different preparation going on around me.. now, I'm not usually surprised.. If I'm not planning something, I'm definately in on it. ya know. I've passed parents in the hallway who were frantically looking for seats, talked to coaches about drawing our order number.. etc.. then.. one of my cheer moms and Chey's gym teacher walk in wearing matching RED shirts.. which I asked the parents to do.. but these shirts didn't say Vandals.. they said... (trying not to breakdown).. WE BELIEVE.. I looked at them and my eyes read theirs.. "yes, Debbie.." no words were said.. just hugs, smiles and holding back tears.. it wasn't until then, I paused, opened my eyes from focusing on my cheerleaders.. took a moment.. and look around the hallways and gym.. I see parents, coaches, coaches from other teams and the emcee all wearing WE BELIEVE shirts.. (if you now have chills or your tearing up... then multiply by 10) shirts were also made for my cheerleaders who put them on after the event. All coordinated by our cheer commissioner and a dear friend, April Bledsoe.. and of course carried out by all.
BELIEVE... a word that has so much meaning and depth for me and my family.. originating for us from our friends in Polk County on a trail ride, being carried out through Montgomery and Harris County by way of a benefit, living and breathing through one of my most favorite past times, cheerleading.. here in Van Zandt County..
I've heard "my cup runneth over" used many times and in many ways.. but never.. until last night and these last 6 months.. have I truly felt the depth of the meaning... (pause.. as I wipe my tears) never.. until our announcement of the cancer this year... and receiveing the support and love from family, friends and even strangers.. have I stepped back.. looked at my life.. and asked if I was worthy of these blessings. May you all know... that if I died tomorrow... what god has done for me and what you all have given me truly makes "my cup runneth over". May God Bless You All. Debbie


Julie said...

OH MY!!!! Yep, in tears here too!! SO AWESOME...would love to have been there for that...send pics!! Who would have ever thought those little John Deere Green & Yellow BELIEVE shirts would have touched so many and sent such a wonderful message to you and your family to cling to! I know I write it all the time, but you truly have such wonderful friends & family; what a support system!! Way to go Cheer Commissioner & April - you guys rock! And CONGRATS to your cheer team - 1st place is AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

I post anonymous most of the time but wanted to let everyone know that I am Debbie's husband Curt. You should know that I read my wife's blog every day like some of you do. That's because sometimes we do not talk about certain things because it is hard and sometimes hurts so we just live life like normal. So I learn about what my wife feels just like you do. It is very important to her to know she has support so if just this one time would log in and let her know your there I think you will find a blessing in it. She feeds off your love, prayers and support more than you could ever know. Thank you to everyone for your prayers for my wife and family. May God bless you as well. Debbie's Hubby, Curt.

Julie said...

We love you "DEBBIE'S HUSBAND, CURT"!!!

Lara said...

OMG!! What a special moment for you. That is too awesome for words!! Im crying CONGRATS on your win...I know the hard work that went into it! Cant wait to see you!! Kisses xoxoxoo

Anonymous said...

Congradulations!!!! Crying here too! That is amazing. You are having a huge impact on everyone's lives. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Ok Deb...
I am in full ugly know the one that makes you look like a moster and could scare small children...ya thats it and thats what I am doing. Seeing all that last night took my breath away. When I saw all your little cheerleaders in those shirts I was weeping...that went straight to my soul...what a glorious thing to see. That was one of those beautiful moments that you dont see too often in life...I felt lucky to see it!


Anonymous said...

i just want you to know that I think you are one of the strongest women in the world, and I truly beleive more of us read this blog more than you can ever imagine. I am so proud of you and the girls I am crying worse now than the other night. Thanks so much for what you have done with Baleigh she thinks the world of you. Your the best.

Anonymous said...

Every time i read this blog i end up in tears. I now understand why you said you were emotional the other day when i called and you were in the process of writing. You are so awesome and we wanted the shirts to mean just what they did for you. The night was priceless with the well deserved win of your team and your heart being touched as you have touched all of ours. We're here for you and your family always and thank you for writing all your words of wisdom to remind us of the important things in life... 1st place----SWEET----love and friendship----EVERYTHING. We all BELIEVE in you more than you'll ever know!

Love you bunches-April

Colleen said...

Oh my gosh Debbie I'm in tears!! How completely awesome!!! I'm speechless. I can't imagine what an incredible moment that was for you. I just want to give April and your cheer commissioner and all the cheer teams a big cyber hug!!! We love you and we believe!!

stephanie said...

Wow! What an awsome day. It is so awsome that you have so much love and support all around you and that you are able to see all the love and support and embrace it. You are very worthy of everything. What a special moment for you and all the girls and everyone that was able to participate. I'm sure the girls felt good being able to do something so nice for you after all you do for them. You are such a good person. As always you and your family continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers.


brennan said...

You sure know how to make a girl cry!!!You are so loved by everyone you meet. You are a true inspiration to alot of people who have lost hope. Keep up the good work with Darby Belville and hope to see ya'll soon......HAPPY BIRHTDAY CHEYENNE!!!!!