Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Emotional Times...

Cheer competition tonight!! My girls looked awesome last night.. I darn near cried. You know the pride cry, where your eyes get watery.. that was me. THEN one of my cheer moms (Cheryl :-) came and hugged my neck and shared an amazing story with me. How a person in Tyler, who doesn't know me told her about my blog and that she reads it daily. (hi person ;-) now cheer mom read and feels like she knows me.. this too gave me a sense of pride that I can't even explain. AND Cheryl's comment on my blog tells me I am making a difference.. and helping others see life the way we should be. I'm truly, truly touched and thankful to have all of you here for me.. even though I have no idea who all I have out there.. just knowing your reading my "therapy page" makes me feel good. Thank you so much...

Do me a favor, when your saying your prayers today, (since I have such awesome prayer warriors) please add our pastor, Brother Joe McArthur. He went to the hospital to have a stint put in and found out he's going to have to have a quad by-pass today. We understood he was really discouraged about this.. so after cheer last night, DARBY and his family went to visit him.. it was late but the hospital and nurses loved it and let us in to visit.. and, we definately got a chuckle out of Brother Joe. So my dream of using DARBY are working.. I love it so much. Thank you all again.. have a blessed day, and I'll let you know how we did tomorrow. Go Vandal Cheer!! Love ya. Debbie


Lara said...

Well I had tears in my eyes reading your blog this morning. You have always been such a special person & you touch everyone you meet. I wish I had more of your qualities & am working on many of the points of advice that you send us. Im so very proud to call you & your family friends.

Julie said...

I too am working on all the things you've opened my eyes about: family, love, doing what you enjoy, and just living every day to the fullest - not worrying about the stuff that doesn't really matter in the long haul! Thank you again for such wonderful advice! God has used you to touch SO many! HE always has a plan - may not make sense to us at the time - but WOW...he works wonders! Love ya!! Julie

stephanie said...

You always have so much fun with everything you do! You really must be the most outgoing person I have ever meet. Just reading your blog puts a smile on my face, I always feel better after reading your blogs. You must be the best cheer coach there is. The girls must just love you. You are so positive and truly an inspiration. I'm glad everything is going good. Talk to you soon.


Colleen said...

Those girls are so blessed to have you as their cheer coach!!! I know how fun you must make it! You are awesome. Thanks for posting and helping us readers stay focused on the important things! Loveya, Colleen

Anonymous said...

I hope your team did well. You are an inspiration. I don't get to read as much as I wish I could but, love to catch up when I can. Can't wait to see you guys soon!

Anonymous said...

I some times sit back and wonder how you do all this in a days time.I know you are happy and love it all. Not only do yo inspire others but you inspire me as well. I'm with you every day and never is there a dull moment and I literally mean moment. I love you, cheerish you and adore you. I believe and will be by you always. Love you! Your Hubby!