Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Weather or Cancer

Ok, so I know I've hit the ripe old age of 40. :-) But you are only as old as you think you are.. and I'm still pre-teen (haha) However, you know how when you get older and you start to ache or have pains that you didn't have before.. at 40 everyone is telling you .. that's old age.. and that is what I keep telling myself.. but I have to admit that sometimes deep inside a little voice wonders about the cancer.. one of my biggest fears, is to go to the doctor and hear that it is all over my body.. Not sure how I can overcome those thoughts. I know it's in God's hands and no matter what I do or take I can't change my fate.. I'm just sharing my inner thoughts with you guys.. I'm not in a funk or anything. You know me sometimes just getting it off my mind helps. So today I'm working around the house. This weekend we are going to Houston and having a "Thanks Grilling" party for all who worked so hard on our benefit. No agenda, just haning out with friends. I'm a little bummed cuz I don't have my voice back and I'm really looking forward to blessing everyone with my karaoke skills.. (NOT) :-) but I do love me some karaoke. So this Ol lady's about to get busy here at home. Ya'll have a great Wednesday. Just want you to know I'm blessed to have you all here to listen and support me. Thank you all. Love Debbie


Anonymous said...

Hang on baby, I'm coming home with a back rub for you. Your Hubby.

ammie said...

Hey Woman..Just checking on you! I just got the email today from the football Mom in Lindale. As mad as I was at the game Saturday I am so proud of this mom for standing up for YOU and her beliefs. You are truly an inspiration to those of us who know who cares about what those BAD SPORTS (i will save my ugly names)think! I BELIEVE that you are a wonderful person, great friend and the BEST CHEER COACH ever. Live for today honey...we can't change yesterday and tomorrow is not here enjoy today! Your family is in my prayers. Love Ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, make sure Curt throws a foot rub in there too!!! Your so lucky girl Curt loves you like crazy!!!

Melody :)

stephanie said...

It looks like you are gearing up for a fun weekend! I would like to trade you weather for a day. I'm not ready for winter up here yet. We have a meeting coming up for work in a few weeks and we are going golfing. Well I have never golfed a day in my life so I decided to take a lesson at the driving range. It was 30 degrees and there was snow on the ground and let me remind you the driving range is outside. So needless to say I only took one lesson. It is so cold and winter is just getting started.
On another note I think you should just forget about that other coach and don't let her poor character cloud your good personality. You don't need that crap.
Enjoy your weekend. And I'll continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
