Thursday, September 29, 2011


Seems like a "life time" since I've been here.!!! Hello.. Hello.. Hello.. hear the echo.. :-) My friends I remain blessed. It appears my work here is not finished. Let's see if I can catch you up a bit. Went from working at the school to full time at our gym OMG! All Star Gym. It has taken off like a rocket. Curt doing good, at the same job. Chey grown like a bad weed! I'm proud to say she has learned to set goals for herself and meet them.. Cassie is at TJC, Tori at UT Austin. Feels like you put 5 dice in your hands and throw them and they scatter everywhere.. but its a good thing.
I recently had a PET Scan! Been praying the doc would let me get one for piece of mind. And... all looks good. I may be experiencing some minor effects from the radiation or it could just be 'old age'. Gonna see a specialist in Nov. for a few test but nothing major.
I find myself caught up in everyday life, hustle and bustle of it all.. and got out of the habit of the things I preached about when cancer was the biggest thing I had to worry about. But I do have those ahh moments.. the reminders about life and whats important. Guess I let my glasses get fogged up with smudge everynow and then.. as we all do.
So today, this is about remembering how proud I was that I saw through a different set of glasses than others becasue of the threat of what cancer could do.. and getting back to seeing and living the mindset that every day is a gift.. live it and SEE IT. I pray that this reminder reaches someone to do the same. May God Bless you in a special way today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Dear friend in need.. I know you are worried and upset.. crying is absolutly ok! Do it for however long you need.. because when you can't cry anymore you begin your road to becoming stronger.. NEVER be afraid to ask for prayers and pray yourself. What you are going through is scary, I found comfort in writing what i was feeling and going through.. even before starting this blog. Those feelings and emotions are good to write down.. write, read and write more.. it helps! I promise.. Then, start your bucket list.. anything! anything you have wanted to do but haven't. Big or small. It took a bit for me to realize that I had been given a gift to see how I should be living life to the fullest EVERY DAY.. I've been reminded a lot lately hearing about all these recent wrecks with teenagers and adults.. how quickly a life can be taken without ever seeing all our gifts in life.. I started thinking... it may not be cancer that kills me.. but it was the word cancer that woke me up from a hum drum routine to not missing a minute of each day. I'm praying for you.. and hope that my words can help in some way. Call me about a time Tuesday! i'll be there for you if you want me to.. even sit there with you with one of those ridiculus half top one snap floral tops they give you to wear. lol.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello. Long time no talk. To say I've been busy is an understatement. Think i'm gonna slow down just a tad. Naaa life is to much fun. :-) I'm doing very well. Going to the doctor this month. Haven't been in 6 months! ugh.. good and bad. good cuz my leash is longer bad cuz I feel like what if I wait to long. I've known this all along.. but it's in Gods hands.. he knows my plan and I am to continue living and not sweating it.. I'm excited about 2011. God bless you all in your 2011 plans.

Friday, September 17, 2010


The best support group and love you can get when your up or having trouble.. Couldn't have survived the last 2 years without their love and support... Make it known.. those LIVINGSTON peeps are good to have as friends! Love Deb

Support My Friend

Prayers and support for my friend. You know it seems everywhere you turn now you hear of friends and loved ones who are being faced with cancer. My friend Kristal in the Houston area has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. We have a blog started for her. I'm hoping if you still check here every now and then.. because I'm not as good at writing as I was that you will give her the same love and support you have given me. I'm not sure I wouldn't have been as strong as I was not having your support on my blog. Please check out Kristal's blog. thank you for your continuious support and prayers. For me.. We are blessed that our new OMG business has taken off like it has keeping us very busy but enjoying the kids so much and they are keeping us young. :-) Well I like to think so.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Houston Friends

Dear Houston friends.. all of you.. I just want you to know that you too are blessings in my life. Although we don't see each other very often.. actually hardly at all.. you are still there for me and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you know i'm here for you as well.. Thank you for being you.. I love you.


Sorry I haven't been here in a while. been so crazy busy.. not much time to stop and smell the roses.. but then again, the roses are right under our nose. Our kids at our new OMG gym are fantastic! They keep us feeling young and we are having so much fun. Living the american dream.. living my dream.. that is what life is about. I'm thankful daily for the gifts in our life and even those wake up calls we get but sometimes ignore.. I'm feeling great. I don't have another follow up appointment until January. I have very little time to focus on worrying about cancer. I did recenlty watch letters to God and oh my.. I definately cried.. but it was healthy to do so. :-) reminded me of something else I want to do so bad and that is visit those kids in hospitals.. when I will find time, not sure need just a few more months to get organized and will give it another go.. may all of you see your blessings in front of you. Love always. Debbie