Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Dear friend in need.. I know you are worried and upset.. crying is absolutly ok! Do it for however long you need.. because when you can't cry anymore you begin your road to becoming stronger.. NEVER be afraid to ask for prayers and pray yourself. What you are going through is scary, I found comfort in writing what i was feeling and going through.. even before starting this blog. Those feelings and emotions are good to write down.. write, read and write more.. it helps! I promise.. Then, start your bucket list.. anything! anything you have wanted to do but haven't. Big or small. It took a bit for me to realize that I had been given a gift to see how I should be living life to the fullest EVERY DAY.. I've been reminded a lot lately hearing about all these recent wrecks with teenagers and adults.. how quickly a life can be taken without ever seeing all our gifts in life.. I started thinking... it may not be cancer that kills me.. but it was the word cancer that woke me up from a hum drum routine to not missing a minute of each day. I'm praying for you.. and hope that my words can help in some way. Call me about a time Tuesday! i'll be there for you if you want me to.. even sit there with you with one of those ridiculus half top one snap floral tops they give you to wear. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being there. I needed you to write and you did, it helped alot. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met and you inspire me and many others more than you will ever know. I will listen to your words. I will let you know about Tuesday he still has not said a word, so I will give it time to sink in and see what happens. Thank you for listening and more than anything caring. your friend CW