Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who Knew!!

Celebrate Good Times .... come on!! SO, Dr. visit went GREAT.. he told us that we hit the 2 year mark and that for cancer patients is a huge milestone! Who Knew.. It seems if cancer is to show it's ugly head once it's been found and treated it is VERY likely for it to do again within that 2 years. he told us we needed to celebrate.. well, for those that know me.. I'm celebrating all the time.. lol. heck.. just finished celebrating my birthday from February.. (just kidding) but ya know me.. However, after we got the news and walked out the door I started crying. Then Curt went off to work and I sat in the car and not just cried.. i was sobbing.. you know where you take those lil short breaths trying to get control of yourself. WHY.. I don't know.. tears of joy, relief, thankfulness, 2 years of worrying every 3 months.. I dunno. I got over it and with swollen eyes and all did a little shopping.. cuz dats what we do right. Curt wanted to throw a party but it seemed to quick.. and I was still a little down/up.. so i don't go back to see him till January.. that's a long time.. but i feel pretty good about it. well, real good about it. I thank all of you who have kept us in your prayers. Let's never stop praying for our friends and family. And remember to enjoy every moment in our lives. God bless you all. And I'm not done writing.. i'll be back to post.. probably just not daily.. lol.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Great News!!! And of course, I'm sitting here crying my own tears of joy with you!!! I know prayers are answered, because YOU are LIVING proof!!! Ya' just gotta BELIEVE!!! Love you guys!!!

stephanie said...

That is awsome news Deb!! Have fun celebrating! Keep on posting I enjoy reading your blog. Keep in touch.

Julie said...

We will never stop BELIEVING!! God has blessed your friends and family with YOU!!