Saturday, April 17, 2010

Checks... Mix

That's right.. a big ol bowl of CHECKS MIX.. what does that mean, checking everything on the 100 page list to make sure I have all I need to start the new business.. forms, CHECK.. darby, check.. gym key, CHECK CHECK.. I mean OMG !! (pardon the pun) I'm up at 4 am.. listening to Chey toss in the bed, Curt snoring.. dog knawing on her bone wondering when we are going back to bed. MIX - the emotions I'm feeling right now.. so excited.. to see who comes to sign up, that I'm actually doing this, the what ifs, then the worry, the stress, and I must say the exhaustion... I feel so bad for Curt and Chey and what they have had to deal with since I've been on this one track mind of starting the business AND continue working at school. but if you guys know me... you know I wouldn't have it any other way.. I must say I take the words LIVE LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW a little to far.. lol. Oh and as far as that darn ol cancer.. I really haven't had time to worry about it much.. (ya think..) Oh, I'm sooooo thankful for all my friends and family and my bloggers.. and my wonderful life. Remember to do those things you've always wanted to do... what a rewarding life I'm now living. Thank you lord. May God bless you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Full Circle

I'm one of those people who will always say... everything happens for a reason. From being diagnosed with cancer, to the people you meet in your life. Sometimes if you slow down, you realize why those things have happened. Lately, it seems almost daily I catch myself smiling because I have seen things come around full circle. What an amazing and sometimes overwhelming realization. I know this seems really deep... but so very real for me. So... good, bad, ugly or sad it's for a reason.. Sit back and take it in every once in a while.. only to be amazed at God's work... Thank you all for the many blessings and support you give me on a daily basis. I hope I'm in your life... for a reason... to be there for you someday. :-)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


That's it!!! We're opening an All Star Gym in Van. Our own lil business.. Cheerleading (competitive) Tumbling.. and hope soon.. Hip Hop. I'm so excited. Now, the name.. OMG.. of course kiddos are going to think Oh My Gosh.. but there is meaning behind the name. Opportunities - given / Memories - made / Goals - achieved. (OMG) This is open to all kids.. No trying out. I've seen what it did for Cheyenne with her self-esteem and think if I could do that for other children.. then here it goes. I'm looking to incorporate Darby into this as well. Darby - Dream And Really Believe in Yourself.. so you see where I'm going with this.. anyway, I'm beside myself. I don't care how big or small it is, (don't tell Curt.. he's the money man) need to make enough to make rent and pay the bills. As long as the kids get something out of it.. I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing. Loooooonnnnggg Liiiiivvvvvveeee the Bucket list !!!! Thank you lord for the gifts you have given me in life, may I do with them what you wish me to do. God bless. love Debbie