Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Birthday Month

Well Monday, Feb. 1st starts the beginning of my Birthday Month!! Whoop Whoop.. What to do, what to do.. got a lot coming up for my birthday.. we will be taking a little cruise.. another exciting adventure and one that will include something on my "bucket list" ... swimming with the dolphins.. I'm so pumped.. and you know I just realized that this will all take place right before my next Dr.'s appointment.. just as I have done in the past.. plan something big before I go in to hear that all is ok :-) (positive attitude). Excited about celebrating another year of life with my friends and family. Man I tell ya.. you don't realize just how special birthdays are until you get the scare of your life.. we all worry about age and getting older.. that becomes a thing of the past when your diagnosed with cancer.. but things are good, feel good... and continue to pray for good things in our life as well as yours.. until next time.. cherish your moments and live like there is no tomorrow. I'm going to start my celebration and Dance Like No One Is Watching.. God Bless. Debbie


Julie said...

Happy BirthMonth to you!!! Can't wait to hopefully see ya'll on that Wednesday. So glad all is going well & love the positive attitude; I wouldn't expect any less from you! Tell Curt & Chey we said Hello!! love ya

stephanie said...

Enjoy your birthday month! I'm sure you will. The cruise sounds fun. I have never been on a cruise yet so i can't wait to hear some details.
You have such a positive attitude! It's great. In fact i feel a little pumped up myself after reading your post. I'm feeling a little more positive about my work situation. Come on let good things happen for all! God Bless you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birth Day To YOU! Happy Birth Day To YOU!!!! Happy Birth Day my little SUGAR PIE PUDDIN POP!!!!!!! Happy Birth Day To YOOOUUU!!!
Your Hubby! (:-@)