Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's on my mind tonight

18 days and counting.. I hate that they scheduled my follow up so far away from my CT Scan. Getting a little worried.. actually I think I'm being paranoid. I've had an upset stomach since the CT scan.. I feel fine but seem to be a little on edge.. maybe thats hormones.. lately my little dog Tobi has seemed to stay very close to me.. sometimes they say dogs can sense things.. I don't know.. maybe I'm just tired.. but not tired enough to go to bed yet.. I'm behind on everything it seems and want to get back on track. Wow.. after re-reading what I wrote.. I do need to go to bed and get some sleep. Again I just write what I'm feeling sometimes good sometimes depressing.. but after I write it, I kinda forget it and move on.. So here's to a better day tomorrow. Good night and God Bless. Debbie


Julie said...

oh wow...sorry i missed your post for a few day; i sure hope you are doing better mentally by now; we all need to figure out a way to help you thru these hard times right b4 your visits!! i thnk we all need to do a lot of praying for deb during this time! just remember you have a wonderful life & are doing great! a wise person once told me not to worry about what you can't are just wasting your energy & time. You can't fix what you have, so don't worry about it....i know, easier said than done, right, but at least try ~ maybe it'll take your mind off of things. :)

stephanie said...

Just checking in on you to see how you are doing. I imagine it must be stressful to wait so long for your follow up visit with the doctor. I'll be praying for you to get through this waiting period. I'll also be praying for good results. Try to relax I know it must be difficult. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
