Thursday, October 15, 2009


Up early... check, hair fixed for humidity... check, Lab work... chec, CT scan.. check.. now back at school with the kiddos playing dodge ball. :-) course we won't really know anything about the Scan until I meet with the doctor on November 5th. I feel good, positive (kinda sorta) afraid to be to confident.. that's when "stuff" happens. Let's just say I'm humble.. :-) So tonight is the big homecoming parade.. our float looks really good.. girls should be excited.. all this starting off to a fast and furious weekend.. but you know.. i wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you all for being here for me to talk to.. love you .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good lord has got you in his hands and has great things in store for you. Stay strong and keep the faith.Let the little things roll off and meet the large ones head on. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Your Hubby.