Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday out of the way

Well today is under my belt.. think i'm finally getting the hang of a regular schedule.. honestly last week just felt like i was subbing.. this week it's hitting me that this is a continuing job and i'm liking it. havent thought much about my CT scan.. until i came here to write.. guess it's bothering me a little.. i mean i'm picking up my life and commiting to things and you worry a little that it may be interrupted.. but that goes for anyone.. just some haven't had the scare that i have to make you think about your life EVERYDAY.. a blessing my way.. i guess.. all is good. I'll keep you posted. Take Care.. Debbie

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Starting 2nd week of school

First week went pretty good.. adjusting to my shoes, being on my feet all day.. all in all not to bad. We circulate a lot of kiddos through p.e. throughout the day. Chey is loving her school and teacher.. so glad.. lately she has been up my bootie.. don't know if she is just adjusting to me working, going to middle school, etc.. but i better not stop to fast.. :-) Worked this weekend getting the house cleaned.. it was a mess from last week.. getting a better grasp on my schedule so hopefully i can get things organized.. my internet was down again this week, then my satellite.. talk about an electronical meltdown.. thinks things are getting back to working.. I'm feeling good.. maybe a little overwhelmed cuz I like things with a little structure.. but it will get there.. hope all is well on your homefront.. I go for my CT scan later this month.. they changed my follow up to early Nov. (ugh) things happen for a reason.. so I find myself wondering why.. but not gonna fret over it right now. Take care. Love to you all. Debbie

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How's It Going

This week has certainly been an eye opener for me as to what all is expected of teachers before school starts. I have a new found respect for them. I thought they just showed up and got their rooms ready for next week.. No, they do that in their "spare" time.. afterhours.. they have been in back to back meetings all week. I've been in meetings as well but I'm considered a P.E. Aide. I'm so excited and appreciate getting to do this in my lifetime. You have no idea. Let's see next week at the end of the week if I'm still this excited... haha.. I know I will be. The "what if's" are talking to me a little. But I'm not letting it get to me. Theres been a lot of people ask me in detail what happened with the cancer, how's it going, etc. which has made me remember.... and think.. but that's ok.. I'm here and living and doing well.. Live for the day, the moment... just LIVE. May God bless you all and be with you for whatever you have going in your lives. Love Debbie

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Working Woman

Hello my friends.. It's been a while.. I've been busy getting ready.. Ready for my NEW JOB.. that's right.. I'm going to work.. Monday is my first day at work as a P.E. Assistant Coach.. I'm SO EXCITED... this means a lot to me. This will be for kiddos 1st - 3rd grade. I love the kids. I love that I will be with other adults. Oh and make a little extra money.. that's nice. I'm excited that I have let go of worrying about the what ifs of getting a job and the cancer flair back up that it wouldn't be fair to where ever I worked.. It's another big step for me.. I don't think people realize it what it "really" means for me.. but I do.. the kids don't start for another week so this will be my get to know my job week.. Pray for me and wish me luck. Thanks to all of you who pray for me daily and give me strength... know that I'm thankful and I love you all and am blessed to have you. I'll keep you posted on my new adventure. Love Debbie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our busy weekend

This weekend was another fast and furious weekend. Chey was in her first play on Friday. The play was cute and she was awesome (course I'm her mommy), then she went to a birthday / slumber party.. i stayed and did hair, make up and karaoke for the girls.. that was fun.. Curt raced his new mud truck this weekend.. he was so excited.. didn't place but he enjoyed it. I came home and didn't "spring" clean but "school" cleaned.. where you start getting everything in place to get ready for school.. cleaned, washed clothes, cleaned my carpet.. feels good to get it all done.
I have to share with you my experience at the store. A mother with her daughter and grandson were in the store checking out. Their card didn't work for their groceries, the grandmother walked out crying.. the mother with tears in her eyes got her sons hand, held back tears and walked out of the store.. i couldn't stand it.. i had tears in my eyes.. the groceries were already bagged up. So I told the sacker to take the groceries to them outside and I paid for them. They waited outside to thank me (not necessary) there is meaning to the gift of giving.. my heart felt for them and I'm fortunate I was able to do something about it... God bless those who are suffering these days. Let's pray for them.. as you do for me. Love and blessings to you all. Debbie