Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The What If's...

Well, I've been missing my blog writing... this helps me get things off my mind and I haven't taken time to do that.. which has led to a lot of stress and headaches.. I'm serious.. And although I'm doing VBS and getting ready for cheerleading.. that isn't what's stressing me. I've finally had time to clean my desk.. and believe me it was a task.. but I found my folder titled "medical" which is my folder of when my first diagnosis was given to me and all my paperwork.. kinda stung a bit. Course it didn't take long for me to start remembering.. thinking of the past... and then the future.. I've decided to start the task of collecting all my medical records for this binder to have for future reference. I feel like when and if this next Dr. appt. comes around.. if all looks good.. I will be released from his care maybe to every 6mths, 1 yr.. or longer.. Curt and I have decided if this is something that could come back quick like the originally described than we want to stay on top of it a little sooner than that.. Then we may be checking out the place in Oklahoma. and i will need all my medical records.. do i still worry, yes.. do i poke around on my body to see if i feel anything, yes.. every time I have an internal pain of some sort... I worry the cancer is re-activating.. doesn't happen everyday.. which is good.. but it's definately in the back of my mind.. So I continue to pray.. I know others continue to pray... I continue to believe and be positive.. but know it's only natural what I'm going through.. Love Debbie

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back online

hello.. hope you had a great week and weekend.. i'm just now getting back on line.. still having a few glitches.. this week is going to be busy.. chey has volleyball camp and VBS, then going out of town for the weekend.. gotta share with you my week last week.. little late tonight ... I had my up and down moments.. I'll say that.. but God was with me and even spoke through Cheyenne through it all.. this week is going to be great and fun.. I'm assembly leader at VBS.. i get to be crazy with the kids and get them excited about god.. what could be better than that.. hope i have time to sit and chat soon.. i got a lot going on in this head of mine and I need to share or i will keep inside and that isn't good. you guys take care and have a good Monday.. I'll be sharing with you soon. Love Debbie

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This weekend

Dunno but this weekend was very strange.. feeling kinda like a car running out of gas. Go good for a second and then sputter out.. rest a little and the same thing again.. and funny thing is most the people we were around were the same way.. weather, stars... dunno.. hoping this week is better.. I won't lie.. It's not very often that I feel this way.. so it scared me a little to think something could be going on inside my body.. but when i found out it wasn't just me.. felt a little better. :-) So praying for a good week for me and for all of you. Hope all is well with you and yours. God Bless. Debbie

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be Careful Whatcha wish for.. :-)

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on my last blog it means so much. SO.. let me fill you in on whats been going on in my world.. Saturday - Cheer sign ups.. I have not 10, not 20, not 25... but 30 girls on my team.. seriously.. I'm excited but I don't think until they are all in the same room at one time will it really hit me.. it should be very interesting.. Sunday night, well.. Monday morning about 1:30 my puppy barked to go out.. I saw what looked like our pasture to be on fire and it ended up being my mother in laws trailer.. she didn't live in it but some of her meaningful things.. pictures (lots of them), bear skin rug, were in there.. don't think I've actually witnessed a house of someone I know burning down.. you just sit there thinking what if... and in shock.. but all seems to be ok.. This week i'm heading up a little church event for the kiddos Wed. night.. just want the kids to start having fellowship.. i'm still needing that and wanting that for Chey with our church.. it just hasn't happened yet.. it's become even more of a priority for me. So that's whats been going on.. I'm really wanting to see the movie My Sister's Keeper.. I know I'm gonna bawl.. but that's how us women clean out our bodies sometimes.. I hope all is well with you and your family.. thank you for being here. Debbie

Friday, July 10, 2009

Times are Flying By

Bet it goes without saying how busy I've been lately.. All good though.. I must say, it feels like God has really been touching me lately... in so many ways and on so many levels. I can only laugh at how much he's probably tried to get through to me and I wasn't listening.. now he's making up for it. :-)
Chey's doing great. We are getting ready for cheer sign ups tomorrow. Last year I was praying for one more good run at being a cheer coach and here I am another year. Preparing for a Kids Summer Blast party at Colfax Baptist Church next week.. and I've been asked to do VBS again at VUMC. I absolutly love it.. doing this kind of stuff has got to be a part of Gods plan!!
On the downside though.. Curt called to let me know his uncle passed away this morning. He died of cancer... which if you have cancer.. you gotta know how scary that is.. it's seems like there's some kind of timeline when you here of their first diagnoses and then this... We did see him a couple of times while he was still doing ok.. Makes me wonder though.. For now, I'm gonna keep on movin on ... I pray for Troy's family and will miss him. God Bless you all. Debbie

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fun Weekend

What a nice weekend.. hope you all had a great 4th. Had a few friends and family over... Curt grilled.. he can grill like nobody's business.. yum.. yum.. have you ever done something that takes you back to your childhood.. I drank out of the waterhose..... it was good and cold and of course I turned into my mom.. by telling Chey back when I was a kid.... we didn't go in the house and get cokes or drinks.. we drank from the waterhose.. so she tried it.. it was fun sharing that with her.. gonna have to start thinking back to the "good ole days" and continue sharing.. kids these days don't know the simple life.. ya know. just wanted to share that little joy with you. If you have any you remember.. share with me.. may spark another memory for me. :-) have a great week. Love Debbie