Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Watching my child

I totally admit I am guilty of keeping a schedule for my family that stays way overbooked.. (don't say anything Curt...) some stems from being diagnosed last year and the rest is just my nature.. other times I have a hard time saying no.. So what does all this have to do with the title "watching my child" for some reason.. today when I dropped off Chey to school... (Late) I sat there and watched her walk all the way up the walkway in the door and around the corner before I left.. my brain, my world stopped around me and focused in on her.. I can't really say what I was thinking during that time.. just taking it in.. and almost got tears in my eyes.. I guess.. I'm just wondering... does she know.. does she know how much I love her.. how special she is??? ok.. getting tears now.. I think we get in this routine and go through the motions get up, get dressed, get your stuff.. kiss dad bye.. kiss Chey bye have a good day and go.. ya know what I mean.. I'm thinking I need to change things up a bit.. i dunno how.. but that is my next project.. just sharing my thoughts with ya in case you too are in a routine.. thanks for reading. May you to step back and see something in your life that makes your heart swell. Love Debbie


Anonymous said...

Ive done the same thing when I drop my kids off later than normal. Im usually wondering where the time has gone & marveling at how they've grown. Not ready for them to grow up just yet. =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Deb that was from me... Lara. Thought I was logged in. Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Of COURSE she knows how special she is and how much you and Curt lover her. GOD has a way of letting a child sense that they are loved just like he lets you know that YOU are loved by him. Just keep telling her everyday that she is loved like you are doing and it will manefest more than you realize. We, and I think I speak for all on here, that we tend to get caught up in everyday routines that we fail to stop and smell the roses, I know I do.

Just remember...There is NOTHING that is going to happen today that you and GOD cant handle together.

I love you guys,


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!! To all of it. Oh and bye the way I Love You!
Your Hubby

Anonymous said...

I looked at Logan sitting next to me in the truck the other morning and remembered how his feed used to stick straight out off the seat, he was so small and now so big. My heart ached for a moment and then he looked at me and said somthing funny and reminded me how lucky and wonderful every day is. We really need to slow down and take in the moment so we remember it forever!!!! I'm with you Deb your sooooo right!! Love you girl :o)
