Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Don't know about you but I never have time or take time to read.. I know I should and that it can work like a puzzle taking your mind off everything else.. but then the other day when we were "spring cleaning" and Curt tells me I need to get rid of all the Oprah magazines I have been holding on to.. to one day read.. (2 years worth) stop laughing.. I do want to read through them..
I did start skimming through them (to prove a point to Curt.. haha) and found inspirational things that I need to read and or see every once in a while.. I want to share a couple of things that reached out to me.. in case you too don't have time for inspirations.. Have a great day.. Deb
1. You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script.
2. Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.
3. what you BELIEVE has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you BELIEVE. :-)


Julie said...

Great stuff!! THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Atta Girl! Good stuff. Now throw those magazines away! LOL