Monday, April 13, 2009

Fun Easter

Good Morning.. hope you all had a wonderful Easter.. ours was busy and fun... glad the weather worked in our favor for the egg hunt. So great to see all of you that wrote on my last post.. :-) So I had another one of those moments this morning.. I apologized to Cheyenne for always correcting her on little things.. I really don't expect her to be perfect.. i swear.. but I caught myself yesterday while her and a few kiddos and the men played a little softball in the yard that i was correcting how she was batting.. i mean every little detail.. she was laughing and so was I .. but why couldn't I just leave it alone... but she was so sweet this morning.. and kinda adult like.. she was like awww mom.. it's no big deal. it was really cute and reassuring.. but i just needed her to know I didn't want to be that way and she is perfect the way she is. (to much Dr. Phil maybe) lol.. So this is the actual anniversary week for me.. deep breath. Can't really explain how i am feeling about it right now.. truly glad it's been a year and hope for many more.. guess I will keep it at that for now.. :-) Have a great Monday.. thanks for listening and letting me clear my head this morning.. Love Deb

1 comment:

Julie said...

well, i didn't comment on your last post, wanted to, tried to, but just couldn't come up with the right words to express how much i understood what you meant, how much I do the same, and how much I appreciated it...just know it REALLY touched me and I loved it; just like this one; I too find myself correcting my oldest way too much; when I step back & think, gosh....just let him be a kid! I've apologized often to him too after rethinking my words to him & he took it great and always says "that's OK mom"! (Makes my day!) Our children truly know we love them more than anything and just want the best for them!
And this is a happy anniversary to you - happy because you are healthy & have found out so much this past year about your life, family, friends, & most importantly your faith. Keep strong and keep BELIEVING!!