Monday, April 6, 2009


Good morning all.. hope you had a wonderful weekend.. dunno wuz up with this weather.. omg.. Curt's been feeling a little under the weather.. sinus, allergy, congestion.. poor baby.. he's heading to the doctor today.. Do you guys realize that this month will be my 1 year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer.. I dunno.. do you call that an anniversary.. you don't want to celebrate it happening but we sure are glad we are able to say we have made it a year since I was diagnosed. Ya know.. I say.. celebrate any and all victories... big or small. :-) I've decided that even though it's been a year.. that this blog has definately been a good tool for me and why not keep a good thing going.. so I'll continue writing.. visit when you like and comment when you can or if you want.. I may miss a day here or there.. being so busy and all.. but I love coming here to my online therapy group.. you know people pay good money for therapist.. not me.. i've got you guys. thanks for being here.. have a great day and I'll talk to you soon..
Love Debbie


stephanie said...

I can't believe that it has been a year. It has really been nice getting to know you though your blog. I'm glad that you find such comfort in the blog as well as from your friends and family.
Also, tell Curt I hope he feels better soon.

Up in Michigan today is the kids first day of spring break. So we wake up this morning and it is 30 degrees outside and snowing and very windy. I think after work today I'm taking the kids to join the YMCA. At lest they can swim and have a good time there in the evening after work. It will give us something fun to do. Anyway, I'll talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

This is truly a happy time for us. It seems like a life time ago since we got the news. I thank God for his hand in this. With out him we would be nothing.He has blessed our family and home by bringing us all of our friends and neighbors. Thank you all.

Julie said... year. How we have all been blessed by this. You and your family as well as your friends, including me, have grown so much & learned so many wonderful lessons; its truly been a blessing in disguise...thank you Deb for giving each one of your bloggers wonderful life lessons thru your posts - you'll never know how they've touched us. I look forward to keeping it going! May God continue to bless you and your family - love ya'll!