Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So getting ready for Thanksgiving.. I want to remind you all to be thankful for being with family, friends and loved ones.. say yer prayers, and enjoy your weekend.. Don't forget to take pictures and BE IN THEM as well. I pray for all of you to have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Check out the slideshow from our Thanksgrilling weekend. They are so fun to watch.. we really enjoyed visiting with you all and hope you understand how much we love and appreciate you all. Love Debbie

Monday, November 24, 2008


Wow.. It feels like a Monday that most of you would be calling in sick for. I'm pretty tired from the weekend. Or should I say.. really tired. I want to rest, but don't want to rest. I know it is very important for me and my sanity to get plenty of rest.. sometimes I just can't let myself do it.. Scared I'm giving in.. crazy, I know.. we all have those days where we need to sleep for a day to build our energy back up.. I just can't do it.. but I may just be at a point where I have to do it. I'm looking forward to our long weekend.. we will be at home and can eat, sleep, eat, lounge, shop, christmas lights.. look at me.. already getting a list going. :-) hope you guys are getting off for Thanksgiving.. I'll check back in tomorrow. Love ya. Deb

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dance Like No One's Watching

You've heard the saying Dance Like No One Is Watching.. that was me last night :-) We are in Houston with friends and the girls got together and took me out last night. We went to this Salsa club.. the band was awesome.. they played anything you asked for.. 70's, 80's, Rock, Country, and mexican and Salsa.. it was so much fun.. I haven't been out with the girls in a while.. of course we acted like fools. Now.. remember my note the other day about old age.. I can't hardly move today.. my thighs, knees and feet are killing me.. i had to soak in a hot bath this morning.. yep.. that's that 40 year old body talking to me.. lol. Was it worth it.. oh yea.. and would I do it again.. sure thing.. so we are having our Thanks Grilling party for all who did the benefit tomorrow.. excited to get with our friends down here and hang out.. voice still not 100% but I don't care.. reckon I'll try to bust out in karaoke. Living good and having fun. All of you have a great weekend. I'll report back on Monday with pictures. :-) Love Debbie

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Weather or Cancer

Ok, so I know I've hit the ripe old age of 40. :-) But you are only as old as you think you are.. and I'm still pre-teen (haha) However, you know how when you get older and you start to ache or have pains that you didn't have before.. at 40 everyone is telling you .. that's old age.. and that is what I keep telling myself.. but I have to admit that sometimes deep inside a little voice wonders about the cancer.. one of my biggest fears, is to go to the doctor and hear that it is all over my body.. Not sure how I can overcome those thoughts. I know it's in God's hands and no matter what I do or take I can't change my fate.. I'm just sharing my inner thoughts with you guys.. I'm not in a funk or anything. You know me sometimes just getting it off my mind helps. So today I'm working around the house. This weekend we are going to Houston and having a "Thanks Grilling" party for all who worked so hard on our benefit. No agenda, just haning out with friends. I'm a little bummed cuz I don't have my voice back and I'm really looking forward to blessing everyone with my karaoke skills.. (NOT) :-) but I do love me some karaoke. So this Ol lady's about to get busy here at home. Ya'll have a great Wednesday. Just want you to know I'm blessed to have you all here to listen and support me. Thank you all. Love Debbie

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Better today

Chey seems to be doing better today. Thank god. Dad is back home so maybe things are kinda back to normal. She met with the school counselor yesterday and feels comfortable talking to her, so thats good. So gotta tell ya about this weekend. Remeber me writing about our cheer competition, the believe shirts and winning. Well it didn't go without a protest from one of the cheer coaches. Of course reviewing the score sheets.. we still won. But that wasn't good enough for her. Our football team had a playoff game at their stadium on Saturday, not playing against them but at their stadium. The coach went out of her way to make a BELIEVE sign "breakthrough" size and post it where all could see when they walk in to pay to get it. But the sign didn't just say Believe.. it said.. We BELIEVE, We're #1. Pretty much calling me out and using OUR word... what a poor display of sportsmanship.. I understand that my parents / support team put on their "S" capes went after her and she was eventually forced to take it down before I got there. (go support team!!) I wrote to a paper.. still sitting on if I want to do anything else.. I should just feel sorry for her and move on.. which I will probably do, going with the confidence of what goes around comes around. But if feels good to share and get it off my chest with you guys. ya know. I'm loving this weather... kinda breezy today but so wintery.. I love it. You guys have a great day.. be back to chat tomorrow. :-) Love ya. Deb

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ugh!! 11/17

Hi all.. it's been a crazy morning. Started last night. Curt left to go out of town yesterday.. he'll be back late tonight.. Chey and I had an evening together.. playing the board game Trouble, play dough and watching Nancy Drew. Then out of no where Chey says she's going to as for something special from Santa.. after about 5 minutes of digging it out of her.. She's gonna ask him to take my cancer away.. so I had to go into the story on why Santa can't do that.. she started bawling.. me too.. then... of all things.. who knew freaking Nancy Drew's mother died at an early age and she can't remember her.. OMG.. Needless to say it was an emotional night.. she woke up this morning feeling about the same so we went to see the school counselor.. Chey stayed with her and talked after I left.. as long a I promised to come have lunch with her.. fixing to head out to do that.. Me, I went "emontional" shopping.. ever done that?? Oh yea, just walked right up into Walmart without and agenda and walked out with a basket full of stuff.. yep.. that was me today. I'm doing ok.. I think we are all coming down off this fast paced rollercoaster from cheer and everything and have a little to much time on our hands to think about "other things". Add a little extra prayer in there for Cheyenne today. ;-) thank you for being here for me. Love Debbie.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday already..

Good morning.. Wednesday already? So I've been doing what the doctor and my hubby have told me.. relaxing and resting my voice.. doing much better today and going crazy and what my house looks like.. so i'll be making up some time today... don't worry, in moderation.. :-) It's kinda been nice not having a to do list a mile long, but for me that only means I'll be bored in a few days and have to have another project to get myself into.. so I'm off to the cleaning for the day.. all of you have a great day and I'll be back soon. Love Debbie

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day of Rest

Wow.. 11 comments on my last post.. I love it!! Thank you so much.. I'm glad I was able to share my moment with you guys so you felt like you were there. :-) So today my baby girl is 9 years old.. my how they grow so fast.. I on the other hand, have tested my immunine system and strength to the fullest.. I'm doing fine.. but have a head cold, coughing and Laryngitis.. went to the doctor (demanded by my hubby) since this is the first time I've been sick since the cancer notice.. better safe than sorry.. So in order for me to get better.. i can't talk.. ok, you guys know me.. how in the heck do I go without talking.. I'm mean.. even when I'm not with someone I talk to myself.. I talk in my sleep.. sounds like I may have this for a while.. haha.. Anyway, gonna go pick out some sweet pictures of my baby girl and post a slideshow on the right.. in celebration of Chey's birthday.. Love to you all.. let's have a great week. Debbie

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over... (this is a long read)

Check out our 1st place Cheerleaders!!
The girls did a "van-tastic" job last night. Turning on their smiles, expressions, cheering and dancing their hearts out. All giving 110%. I'm so proud of them !! But that's not all the story.. see below.
As I prepare my girls, going through motions, cheers, etc. I'm wrapped up in making sure they've went to the bathroom, getting water.. and so on.. kind of... but not really noticing that my other coaches weren't around.. finding out later that there was a whole different preparation going on around me.. now, I'm not usually surprised.. If I'm not planning something, I'm definately in on it. ya know. I've passed parents in the hallway who were frantically looking for seats, talked to coaches about drawing our order number.. etc.. then.. one of my cheer moms and Chey's gym teacher walk in wearing matching RED shirts.. which I asked the parents to do.. but these shirts didn't say Vandals.. they said... (trying not to breakdown).. WE BELIEVE.. I looked at them and my eyes read theirs.. "yes, Debbie.." no words were said.. just hugs, smiles and holding back tears.. it wasn't until then, I paused, opened my eyes from focusing on my cheerleaders.. took a moment.. and look around the hallways and gym.. I see parents, coaches, coaches from other teams and the emcee all wearing WE BELIEVE shirts.. (if you now have chills or your tearing up... then multiply by 10) shirts were also made for my cheerleaders who put them on after the event. All coordinated by our cheer commissioner and a dear friend, April Bledsoe.. and of course carried out by all.
BELIEVE... a word that has so much meaning and depth for me and my family.. originating for us from our friends in Polk County on a trail ride, being carried out through Montgomery and Harris County by way of a benefit, living and breathing through one of my most favorite past times, cheerleading.. here in Van Zandt County..
I've heard "my cup runneth over" used many times and in many ways.. but never.. until last night and these last 6 months.. have I truly felt the depth of the meaning... (pause.. as I wipe my tears) never.. until our announcement of the cancer this year... and receiveing the support and love from family, friends and even strangers.. have I stepped back.. looked at my life.. and asked if I was worthy of these blessings. May you all know... that if I died tomorrow... what god has done for me and what you all have given me truly makes "my cup runneth over". May God Bless You All. Debbie

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Emotional Times...

Cheer competition tonight!! My girls looked awesome last night.. I darn near cried. You know the pride cry, where your eyes get watery.. that was me. THEN one of my cheer moms (Cheryl :-) came and hugged my neck and shared an amazing story with me. How a person in Tyler, who doesn't know me told her about my blog and that she reads it daily. (hi person ;-) now cheer mom read and feels like she knows me.. this too gave me a sense of pride that I can't even explain. AND Cheryl's comment on my blog tells me I am making a difference.. and helping others see life the way we should be. I'm truly, truly touched and thankful to have all of you here for me.. even though I have no idea who all I have out there.. just knowing your reading my "therapy page" makes me feel good. Thank you so much...

Do me a favor, when your saying your prayers today, (since I have such awesome prayer warriors) please add our pastor, Brother Joe McArthur. He went to the hospital to have a stint put in and found out he's going to have to have a quad by-pass today. We understood he was really discouraged about this.. so after cheer last night, DARBY and his family went to visit him.. it was late but the hospital and nurses loved it and let us in to visit.. and, we definately got a chuckle out of Brother Joe. So my dream of using DARBY are working.. I love it so much. Thank you all again.. have a blessed day, and I'll let you know how we did tomorrow. Go Vandal Cheer!! Love ya. Debbie

Cheerleading jitters

So tomorrow is the day.. :-) my pee wee cheer team will be having their competition. It's our "superbowl" of cheerleading if you will.. now this is nothing like what you see on tv.. this is more like little community cheer competition but it all matters.. ya know. We have practiced until we can't practice any more.. but guess what.. one more practice tonight.. show offs.. we really can't compete with some of the teams.. they have flippers and more girls.. so I'm going in with a positive attitude and whatever we come out with it has been fun. A couple of months ago I was just worried my health wouldn't allow me to coach cheer.. and making it through it is a huge accomplishment and blessing for me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Monday

Good Morning.. hope you all had a great weekend.. the weather was beautiful. Halloween was a blast. For those adults who only dress your kiddos up for Halloween.. your missing out! Friday, friends met at our house to take the kids to a haunted hay ride. Curt told everyone to dress up.. (imagine that) Curt coming up with this brilliant idea.. so we pulled out our costume box from halloween past and all adults had to come up with something to wear.. David (ghost) went home and got his.. dressing up was so much fun.. brings out the little kid in you.. seriously.. we all rode together in the motor home (can you say redneck) went to CiCi's pizza then went to the hay ride.. Course the kids thought we were crazy but loved it that we got into character with them. Saturday, Van had Trick or Treat night so we took the kids to town for sweets. So todays lesson... don't lose the little kid in you... find it and enjoy life.. :-) enjoy the Halloween slideshow to the right. Have a great Monday. Deb