Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Post Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving.. all the family together.. long overdue. Everyone came to our house.. Nobody got sick from my cooking.. and we took a lot of family pictures.. cuz nobody in this family ever goes to get them professionally done. A few turned out good.. many turned out funny cuz we were all acting like fools. Hope to get them posted to share with you soon. I still can't help but look through these "cancer glasses" and think how lucky we are as a family to be together and be taking pictures for our kids and so on.. I hope all of you had a special Thanksgiving and realize your blessings as well. I'm feeling really good right now and can't believe in just a few months... I'll be hitting my 2 year mark. God is good. :-) thank you for checking in. Debbie


Julie said...

yeah! so glad the entire family made it together & family pic time is great! we all did that recently & they turned out good. we should be moving into the new house around dec. 20...ya'll will have to come visit when we get settled!

stephanie said...

It's nice when everyone gets together for the holidays. This year for Christmas we are having everyone over to our house. This will be the first year I will be hosting a holiday. We have alot more space now with the new house and it will be nice to have both families (my family and my in-laws) at one time so we won't have to rush out to go to another party. I look forward to seeing your family photos. I'll forward you some new pictures of the baby.
