Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm Back

Hello friends.. long time no talk. Well if you haven't guessed by now.. this week is CT Scan week. Nervous.. don't think so.. only do Scan this week.. won't meet with the Dr. for results until first week in November.. I'm feeling good physically, and .. mentally.. Now that I'm WORKING, and coaching pee wee cheer, and trying to keep our family calendar in check.. I really don't have time to worry. :-) now, let it get close to the Dr. date and see if I'm still feeling as confident.. My biggest worry is he had mentioned after this visit.. letting me go longer between visits.. Think i mentioned that.. I'm more worried about that.. I know I need to let go but that only means that if the cancer gets active between visits and it's the "fast growing" kind.. I worry I won't know what will hit me till it's to late.. the biggest fear I have is hearing the words.. It's spread throughout the body and there's nothing we can do for you.. ok.. but let's not panic yet.. Curt and I are discussing other options... I just wish with my cancer being so rare.. they would have or could have used me to study or keep notes so when someone gets this kind of rare cancer they would have something to refer to.. course that may have lead to me being a guinne pig.. maybe not so good.. dunno. Hope all of you are well. Thankful to have you all and your support. Love you. Debbie


stephanie said...

Hi Deb! Nice to hear from you. I'll be praying for good results from your scan this week. It sounds like you have been busy as usual.
My daughter is having the debate to play basketball or cheerleading with Upward at church this winter. It changes daily. Right now the kids are both in soccer, then we start with the winter activities, then I think they are both going to play baseball in the spring.
I'm getting ready to have the baby any day now. Things have been crazy busy with work, the new house, being pregnant, and all the daily activities.
Anyway I'm glad all is well and I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


Julie said...

Nice to have you back; this time of year is crazy hectic!! i understand about you being nervous about slowing your ct scan/dr. visits; i would feel the same; just tell the dr. what you told us & c what he says....i don't c why he couldn't continue them, but then again, you may see that it's more peaceful not thinking in 3 month intervals...know what i mean?
always keeping you in my thoughts!!