Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Getting tired

I've gotta learn to say NO every once in a while.. I'm soooo tired.. course this weather isn't helping.. cold and wet makes me want to stay in bed. Got so much going on just need a day or two of nothing.. but i don't know if i could pull that off.. it's not in my nature.. I do have slowing down on my to do list.. haha.. but then I have an Anniversary coming up, Chey's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas.. and so on.. good news is .. I HAVE IT ALL COMING UP.. I"M Here for it.. :-) I've just gotta learn to slow down and enjoy it.. so I'll try to get some rest tonight and keep on moving.. :-) next week.. big appt. :-)
have a good day. Deb


Julie said...

i hear ya girl...go, go, go is all we do; can't wait to relax & actually SIT while i'm drinking my beer!! tired of building fence, stalls, cleaning the house & doing it!! :)
can't wait to see ya'll soon!

Anonymous said...

You're right. You need to slow down---but you and I BOTH know you won't! You'd be too bored! Maybe we need to open up the dance hall again. I'm ready....how bout you? My dancing shoes are over in the corner just waiting to be put on. Let me know when you're ready!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Karen on the Dancing this weekend. I'll sweep out the barn and find some SLOW music to play. It would be nice to have one for our 15TH year of marriage. Love You!
Your Hubby!