Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Dream

For some reason I wake up today thinking heavily about coordinating a place for us locals with cancer to get together. Have a monthly meeting place where we can talk, support each other but also have fun and inspire each other to LIVE. I've talked about it before.. but really feel it in my heart today to actually act on it. It's like I've mentioned before, when I meet someone with cancer, it's like we become an immediate family.. So I guess I'll be looking into how to get something going today.. Some days I find myself thinking I'm normal again and I don't have cancer and kinda guilty when I say I do have cancer because I'm not as bad as some.. then I have to realize that just because I'm not going through treatments or suffering from it right now don't mean it's not still in me. Where am I going with this.. dunno.. just what I'm feeling and what's on my mind at the time. I'm doing good, feeling good and excited about summer with the girls. Have a great day.. Love Deb


Julie said...

I truly think that's a wonderful idea. I know you will be successful in makin' it happen...give it a name (The BELIEVERS...The BELIEVE Team. ..something fun & uplifting)...bring munchies & drinks...somewhere relaxing/comfortable. YOU ROCK! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Just let me know what you need from me and I'm there. Love you.
Your Hubby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Julie.. great idea for names.. I was struggling on how to come up with something that had Cancer in it.. but now I'm thinking.. why poison the name too.. thanks !! Deb

stephanie said...

Hey Deb! It's been a little bit since I last checked in. It sounds like you have been busy as usual. The party looks and sounds like a blast.
Things have been crazy busy up here with me as well. With work, the kids, the kids sports, being pregnant (by the way I'm having a boy), and we are finally getting ready to move hopefully in the next couple of months, looking for a renter for our current house (since we won't be able to sell that in this market).
Anyway, I'm really glad that things are going good for you and your family. I love your idea of setting up something for other cancer survivors. I'm sure it must be nice to talk with someone else that is going through what you are going through. I'll check back soon.
