Thursday, October 29, 2009

discombobulated.. debbie

This week.. it's discombobulated Debbie.. yesterday i forgot my purse and phone at home.. today my keys.. it's crazy. I've really been tied up with cheerleading getting ready for competition next week.. which is good i guess because I'm not thinking about my dr. appt. but deep down.. maybe I am. I'm praying all things are good.. I feel like they will be... I've taken the day off, to worry in the morning and celebrate after the appt. it isn't until like noon.. i mean why couldn't i be the first appt for the day.. that would have been much better. I know you guys are praying for me and I feel it. Thank you. I'll let you all know after I find out something on Thursday. in the meantime.. maybe i can keep myself combobulated for a few more days.. :-) Have a blessed day. Debbie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Getting tired

I've gotta learn to say NO every once in a while.. I'm soooo tired.. course this weather isn't helping.. cold and wet makes me want to stay in bed. Got so much going on just need a day or two of nothing.. but i don't know if i could pull that off.. it's not in my nature.. I do have slowing down on my to do list.. haha.. but then I have an Anniversary coming up, Chey's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas.. and so on.. good news is .. I HAVE IT ALL COMING UP.. I"M Here for it.. :-) I've just gotta learn to slow down and enjoy it.. so I'll try to get some rest tonight and keep on moving.. :-) next week.. big appt. :-)
have a good day. Deb

Friday, October 23, 2009

Writing again

Well, if me writing more often in my blog doesn't tell you how I'm doing... I wake up thinking I gotta go write in my blog so I can get my worries off my mind. It's soooo stupid I know.. I'm feeling fine.. sometimes that little ache or pain makes me stop and think... oh my what if.. when really ... I'm sure it's old age.. haha.. I also think you know if they would have seen something they would have called already.. making it urgent.. you know. My faith will pull me through but it's only natural to have some of these worries. thanks again for listening.. I'm sure I'll be back here soon. Love always.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Hi there. Just thought I'd take a minute to write and tell you that I'm hanging in there. I have a big to do list that should keep me mentally busy for a while.. Preparing my cheerleaders for competition coming up next month.. they are looking pretty good. I'm feeling good.. just ready to confirm with the doctor that how I'm feeling reflects the same on the inside ya know. Thanks for your prayers and comments. It means so much to me. :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's on my mind tonight

18 days and counting.. I hate that they scheduled my follow up so far away from my CT Scan. Getting a little worried.. actually I think I'm being paranoid. I've had an upset stomach since the CT scan.. I feel fine but seem to be a little on edge.. maybe thats hormones.. lately my little dog Tobi has seemed to stay very close to me.. sometimes they say dogs can sense things.. I don't know.. maybe I'm just tired.. but not tired enough to go to bed yet.. I'm behind on everything it seems and want to get back on track. Wow.. after re-reading what I wrote.. I do need to go to bed and get some sleep. Again I just write what I'm feeling sometimes good sometimes depressing.. but after I write it, I kinda forget it and move on.. So here's to a better day tomorrow. Good night and God Bless. Debbie

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Up early... check, hair fixed for humidity... check, Lab work... chec, CT scan.. check.. now back at school with the kiddos playing dodge ball. :-) course we won't really know anything about the Scan until I meet with the doctor on November 5th. I feel good, positive (kinda sorta) afraid to be to confident.. that's when "stuff" happens. Let's just say I'm humble.. :-) So tonight is the big homecoming parade.. our float looks really good.. girls should be excited.. all this starting off to a fast and furious weekend.. but you know.. i wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you all for being here for me to talk to.. love you .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm Back

Hello friends.. long time no talk. Well if you haven't guessed by now.. this week is CT Scan week. Nervous.. don't think so.. only do Scan this week.. won't meet with the Dr. for results until first week in November.. I'm feeling good physically, and .. mentally.. Now that I'm WORKING, and coaching pee wee cheer, and trying to keep our family calendar in check.. I really don't have time to worry. :-) now, let it get close to the Dr. date and see if I'm still feeling as confident.. My biggest worry is he had mentioned after this visit.. letting me go longer between visits.. Think i mentioned that.. I'm more worried about that.. I know I need to let go but that only means that if the cancer gets active between visits and it's the "fast growing" kind.. I worry I won't know what will hit me till it's to late.. the biggest fear I have is hearing the words.. It's spread throughout the body and there's nothing we can do for you.. ok.. but let's not panic yet.. Curt and I are discussing other options... I just wish with my cancer being so rare.. they would have or could have used me to study or keep notes so when someone gets this kind of rare cancer they would have something to refer to.. course that may have lead to me being a guinne pig.. maybe not so good.. dunno. Hope all of you are well. Thankful to have you all and your support. Love you. Debbie