Thursday, September 29, 2011


Seems like a "life time" since I've been here.!!! Hello.. Hello.. Hello.. hear the echo.. :-) My friends I remain blessed. It appears my work here is not finished. Let's see if I can catch you up a bit. Went from working at the school to full time at our gym OMG! All Star Gym. It has taken off like a rocket. Curt doing good, at the same job. Chey grown like a bad weed! I'm proud to say she has learned to set goals for herself and meet them.. Cassie is at TJC, Tori at UT Austin. Feels like you put 5 dice in your hands and throw them and they scatter everywhere.. but its a good thing.
I recently had a PET Scan! Been praying the doc would let me get one for piece of mind. And... all looks good. I may be experiencing some minor effects from the radiation or it could just be 'old age'. Gonna see a specialist in Nov. for a few test but nothing major.
I find myself caught up in everyday life, hustle and bustle of it all.. and got out of the habit of the things I preached about when cancer was the biggest thing I had to worry about. But I do have those ahh moments.. the reminders about life and whats important. Guess I let my glasses get fogged up with smudge everynow and then.. as we all do.
So today, this is about remembering how proud I was that I saw through a different set of glasses than others becasue of the threat of what cancer could do.. and getting back to seeing and living the mindset that every day is a gift.. live it and SEE IT. I pray that this reminder reaches someone to do the same. May God Bless you in a special way today.